What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week?

The Open Access Button launched the Open Access Button Action Centre this week. Want to help the team promote open access initiatives and combat paywalls? Join us: sign up today!

Are you at Wikimania 2014 in London this weekend? Open Access Button team members David Carroll, Chealsye Bowley, and Megan Waples are there too! Feel free to ask them about the OA Button. Not in London? Follow @OA_Button for updates from the conference!

Open Access Button Co-Founder Joe McArthur participated in an F1000Research Q&A on Twitter earlier this week. See what Joe had to say by checking out the hashtag #F1000Talks.

The U.S. Energy Department has a plan to make research more publicly available. Some scientists are not crazy about that plan.

The World Academy of Sciences is offering grants that support open access research in developing countries.

When is an open access journal not an open access journal? The Directory of Open Access Journals is keeping an eye on “predatory journals.”

Ernesto Priego is crowdsourcing info on articles about Ebola: he wants to keep track of what research is open access. If you have time, help him out!